Better Health Care Access Is Helping People With…

By Cara Murez HealthDay ReporterTHURSDAY, Oct. 19, 2023 -- Americans with Down syndrome have a critical lifeline in Medicaid insurance, new research confirms. But the publicly funded insurance program will have to respond to rising…

Could a Warming Climate Bring Yellow Fever to…

By Denise Mann HealthDay Reporter>WEDNESDAY, Oct. 18, 2023 -- Yellow fever may be resurfacing in the United States, thanks to climate change. The mosquito-borne viral illness decimated southern U.S. cities from 1820 to 1905, and…

Commonly Used Drug Might Be New Treatment Option…

By Cara Murez HealthDay Reporter>WEDNESDAY, Oct. 18, 2023 -- An inexpensive medication long used for depression and migraines now has a clinical trial to back up its off-label use for another condition that lowers quality…

A Doctors Empathy Can Be Key to Breast…

By Cara Murez HealthDay Reporter>WEDNESDAY, Oct. 18, 2023 -- A breast cancer diagnosis often causes anxiety and depression, but an empathetic doctor can help. Supportive communication is key to reducing patient uncertainty and promoting mental…

Serotonin May Play Big Role in Long COVID

By Cara Murez HealthDay Reporter>WEDNESDAY, Oct. 18, 2023 -- New research has uncovered evidence that remnants of the COVID-19 virus may remain in some patients' guts for months, contributing to the lingering symptoms known as…

U.S. Injuries From E-Bikes, E-Scooters Jumped 21% in…

By Cara Murez HealthDay Reporter>WEDNESDAY, Oct. 18, 2023 -- E-bikes, e-scooters and hoverboards are everywhere -- and injuries related to their use are soaring. The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) issued a new report…