Why Teens Use Marijuana: Study Finds Its Not…

Medically reviewed by Drugs.com.By Dennis Thompson HealthDay ReporterWEDNESDAY, Dec. 13, 2023 -- Teens who avidly use weed typically use it either for enjoyment or to cope, but both uses have a dark side to them,…

Stephen Colbert Returns to Late Night Show After…

Medically reviewed by Drugs.com.By Robin Foster HealthDay ReporterWEDNESDAY, Dec. 13, 2023 -- Comedian Stephen Colbert returned to his popular late night talk show this week after recovering from a ruptured appendix he suffered roughly three…

Drug Abuse Is Fueling Surge in Heart Infections…

Medically reviewed by Drugs.com.By Ernie Mundell HealthDay ReporterWEDNESDAY, Dec. 13, 2023 -- While rates of a deadly heart infection are dropping generally across the United States, a new report finds one exception: Young adults.In that…

FDA Asked to Consider Party Drug MDMA as…

Medically reviewed by Drugs.com.By Robin Foster HealthDay ReporterWEDNESDAY, Dec. 13, 2023 -- A California company has asked the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to approve MDMA, the active ingredient in party drugs like molly and…

Smartwatches Are Spotting Hidden Heart Trouble in Kids

Medically reviewed by Drugs.com.By Dennis Thompson HealthDay ReporterWEDNESDAY, Dec. 13, 2023 -- Connor Heinz started experiencing periods of a racing heartbeat at age 12, but doctors were having a hard time pinning down the problem.The…

ChatGPT Performs Well as Partner in Diagnosing Patients

Medically reviewed by Drugs.com.By Ernie Mundell HealthDay ReporterTUESDAY, Dec. 12, 2023 -- Doctor's brains are great decision-makers, but even the smartest physicians might be well-served with a little diagnostic help from ChatGPT, a new study…

A Siblings Dementia May Mean Shorter Life Span…

Medically reviewed by Drugs.com.By Ernie Mundell HealthDay ReporterTUESDAY, Dec. 12, 2023 -- A study involving twins suggests that if you have a sibling who develops dementia, that might not bode well for your life span.That's…

Using Marijuana While Pregnant Raises Complications Risk

Medically reviewed by Carmen Pope, BPharm. Last updated on Dec 12, 2023.By Dennis Thompson HealthDay ReporterTUESDAY, Dec. 12, 2023 -- Marijuana use by expecting moms is associated with unhealthy pregnancy outcomes, especially low birth weight…

Noisy Holiday Toys Are No Gift to a…

Medically reviewed by Drugs.com.By Dennis Thompson HealthDay ReporterTUESDAY, Dec. 12, 2023 -- Parents moaning over the noise from a new Christmas toy is a time-honored holiday tradition.But noisy playthings can do long-lasting damage to a…