Each year, the astrological Lion’s Gate creates a powerful portal of abundance and manifesting. Starting in late July and continuing until mid-August, this energy peaks on the auspicious 8/8.
Sia-Lanu Estrella, manifestation expert and author of The Rainbow Tablets: Abundance and sacred co-creation, shares how to harness the Lions’ Gate energy to elevate your life to the next level.
Why is Lion’s Gate a potent time for abundance?
Astrologically speaking, Lion’s Gate marks a special alignment of Sirius, Orion and Earth within the Leo sun sign. It creates a flow of cosmic energy that enables you to tap into higher frequencies and manifest with greater speed and ease. Think of it as a portal to higher-dimensional planes where abundance, magic and miracles are the natural state.
This is further amplified with the properties of the number eight bringing prosperity and success. Beyond the numerology, eight can also be thought of as the infinity symbol. This represents the pure abundance consciousness. It is an infinite flow of giving and receiving that can be harnessed through the highest form of manifesting: sacred co-creation.
With all this abundance energy available, will things just naturally fall into place during the Lion’s Gate? Not quite.
For some, this can feel like a time of upheaval. But when you know how to harness these portal energies and direct them, you surf the waves rather than getting sucked into the undertow. And Lion’s Gate 2024 offers a potent opportunity to manifest clarity, inspiration and abundance.
How to manifest at highest levels during Lion’s Gate
“When you zoom out and begin to perceive abundance and sacred co-creation as the fabric of the multiverse, you realise that abundance is at the core of your essence. You do not just ‘attract’ abundance or ‘have’ it. You are abundance. You are abundance in motion. Because you are the living, breathing embodiment and expression of sacred co-creation.”
– The Rainbow Tablets: Abundance and sacred co-creation
We’ve been told to think of manifesting as the law of attraction. Lion’s Gate is the perfect time to move beyond this and unlock the power of manifesting at higher levels. Below are four practices to take you from trying to manifest through attraction (‘pull’ energy), to actually being the creator of your reality (creation energy).
- Commit to morning practice
Your manifesting is only as strong as your energy field, because you are the ‘transmission tower’ of all you are creating. This is not a time to move in autopilot or spread yourself thin. A daily morning practice will bring you back to your centre. This strengthens your energy field and focus, making it easier to tap into the available cosmic energies. To start, you can find the Rainbow Pyramid Sovereignty Practice here: www.sialanuestrella.com
- Set your goals
Traditional goal setting is all about the outcome. But attachment and expectation actually block or limit manifestation. Instead, focus on the experience and feeling of that goal. For example, if you are manifesting abundance, don’t try to define it as a pay rise, new job, or a specific number. Give space for magic and miracles.
Think of the experience of abundance that most lights up your soul. Then go even bigger. Most people set goals from a place of limitation. In a ‘numbered’ sense, this might be an extra $5,000 or $10,000. But what would millions in abundance feel like? What would the experience of life be? Perhaps you desire ample abundance to buy your dream home outright, launch a new business, travel, and help family or community. Your passion will help you hold that frequency. And releasing defined or limited outcomes creates space for the highest possibilities to land.
- Choose your embodiment
During portals like this, everything is amplified. Be conscious of your thoughts. Don’t let old fears, doubts or distractions play out. Instead, BE the embodiment of what you are manifesting. If you are creating greater abundance, health or success in a new venture, FEEL it as if it is already done. Write down these aspirations and every morning and night, breathe them into every cell in your body. This is more than a visualisation. With the breath and feeling, you are actually encoding that frequency into your physical vessel. And THINK like this future version of yourself. With the help of Lion’s Gate, you will merge with that future reality more quickly and effortlessly.
- Anchor your vision on 8/8
People have been harnessing the Lion’s Gate energies for thousands of years, including ancient, enlightened civilisations. In modern life, we tend to be disconnected from our full cosmic nature. But ceremony is the gateway. It is how you tap into the gifts of the star realms and anchor your highest reality here on Earth. This unification of Earth and stars unlocks the power of sacred co-creation. You become the transmission tower of all that you are manifesting, and it is fully supported above and below.
How to create your 8/8 Lion’s Gate ceremony
Ceremony is any act of deep connection and focused intention. You want to anchor your intention on the Earth plane and charge it with the cosmic power of the 8/8 portal. Your ceremony could include singing, quiet meditation, dancing, drinking ceremonial cacao, or playing a musical instrument. Go with whatever feels good for you. But there are some aspects you might wish to include.
- Come into your centre: Starting with the Rainbow Pyramid Sovereignty Practice will bring you into highest frequency and alignment.
- Ask permission of the land: Everything is consciousness. Introduce yourself to the land and loving ancestors and ask permission to sit in ceremony there. If it feels good, proceed. If it doesn’t, find a new spot.
- Offer a gift to the land: Gratitude elevates your frequency and opens your heart. Take a moment to offer your gratitude to the land for supporting and nourishing you in all that you are manifesting. This can be anything biodegradable that is also safe for animals, such as a shell, feather or organic food.
- Anchor your intention: Take a second offering, such as a crystal. A small citrine, herkimer diamond or clear quartz is great for manifesting. Hold the crystal and breathe all that you are manifesting into every cell in your body. Then blow this intention into the crystal. Envision or sense the Lion’s Gate energies flowing in and amplifying it. Then dig a small hole, place the crystal into the Earth and cover it up. Finish by laying flowers to imprint the Lion’s Gate energies on this plane. Now your highest reality is anchored on Earth.
What happens next?
Working in sacred co-creation with Earth and star energies is a huge part of manifesting. But don’t forget the other part: aligned action. Most likely, you will have clarity about the tangible steps you need to take. If you don’t, listen to your intuition, inspiration and heart’s guidance. Then take action. Notice the synchronicities and ‘magic’ that unfold during the Lion’s Gate period and beyond. No doubt, you will see how quickly your life elevates.
You can find out more in The Rainbow Tablets: Abundance and sacred co-creation, available now on Amazon.
Wishing you a wonderful and abundant Lion’s Gate 2024!
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