/Gluten-Free Focaccia Meat Sandwich

Gluten-Free Focaccia Meat Sandwich

Gluten-Free Focaccia Meat Sandwich

Transport your taste buds to a sun-soaked picnic with this irresistible gluten-free focaccia sandwich. As we embrace the warmth of summer, there’s nothing quite like the comforting aroma of freshly baked focaccia paired with savoury meats and vibrant fillings. This recipe combines the rustic charm of homemade gluten-free bread with a medley of summer flavours, promising a mouth-watering experience that’s both comforting and invigorating.

Make ahead

For a no-mess, make-ahead sandwich, wrap each portion individually in parchment paper. When ready to serve, slice each portion in half and enjoy a bite with an easy cleanup!

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