/Ashtanga Hridayam Uttara Sthanam Chapter 16: Sarvaakshi Roga Pratishedha (Treatment of Diseases of the Whole Eye)

Ashtanga Hridayam Uttara Sthanam Chapter 16: Sarvaakshi Roga Pratishedha (Treatment of Diseases of the Whole Eye)

The 16th chapter of Uttara Sthanam of Ashtanga Hridayam is named as Sarva Akhsi Roga Pratishedha. This chapter deals with the explanation of ‘Treatment of diseases of the whole eye’.

The topics covered in this chapter include –

  • Abhishyanda Chikitsa
  • Doshaja Abhishyanda Chikitsa
  • Sita Marichadi Churna Avaguntana in immediate aggravation of doshas in the eye
  • Aranya Kulattha Aavachurnana
  • Ghoshadi Churna
  • Katankateri kwatha seka
  • Shigru Prayoga
  • Eranda Pindika
  • Aschyotana and Sechana
  • Irrigation of eyes in Rakta and Pittaja syanda
  • Pundrikadi yoga
  • Eyedrops for Pitta and Rakta conditions
  • Nagaradi Kwatha Aschyotana
  • Use of ghirta, snehana and virechana in various dosha conditions
  • Management of pain
  • Administering treatment of timira
  • Adhimantha Cikitsa
  • Pasupata Yoga
  • Shuskakshipaka Chikitsa
  • Mahaushadadi Anjanam
  • Sashopha and Alpa Shopha Chikitsa
  • Saindhava anjana
  • Use of Tamra
  • Use of Sandhava Anjana
  • Use of Udumbara
  • Use of Shigru
  • Mrt Kapaladyanjanam
  • Stanya Aschyotana
  • Talisapatradyanjanam
  • Vyaghritvagadi Dhuma
  • Amloshita Chikitsa
  • Pilla Roga
  • Rasanjanadyanjanam
  • Use of Tagara and Devadaru in Pilla
  • Saindavadi Varti for Pilla and Shukraka
  • Pushpa Kasisadyanjanam
  • Aladyanjana
  • Laxadi Varti
  • Dahakarma in Puyalasa
  • Enumeration of eye diseases
  • Grains, foods and activities beneficial for the eyes
  • Relationship between feet and vision

Pledge by the author(s)

अथात: सर्वाक्षिरोगप्रतिषेध व्याख्यास्याम: ।
इति ह स्माहुरात्रेयादयो महर्षय: ।
After having offered prayers to the God, henceforth we are going to explain the chapter pertaining to the explanation of ‘Treatment of diseases of the whole eye’. ātreyādayo maharṣaya: – Thus, say (pledge) Atreya and other sages.

Abhishyanda Chikitsa

प्राग्रूप एव स्यन्देषु तीक्ष्णं गण्डूषनावनम् ।
कारयेदुपवासं च कोपादन्यत्र वातजात् ॥ १ ॥
In all Abhishyanda, except that caused by aggravation of Vata, strong mouth gargles, nasal medications and fasting should be done during the premonitory stage itself.

Abhishyanda Chikitsa: Bidalaka

दाहोपदेहरागाश्रुशोफशान्त्यै बिडालकम् ।
कुर्यात्सर्वत्र पत्रैलामरिचस्वर्णगैरिकैः ॥२॥
सरसाञ्जनयष्ट्याह्वनतचन्दनसैन्धवैः ।
In all varieties (of Abhishyanda) in order to mitigate burning sensation, thickening, redness, excess of tears and swelling, Bidalaka (applying the paste of herbs over the eyelids) should be done with patra – Cinnamomum tamala, elā – Elettaria cardamomum, marica – Piper nigrum, svarṇagairikaiḥ – red ochre sarasa añjana – extract of Berberis aristata, yaṣṭi – Glycyrrhiza glabra, nata – Valeriana wallicii, candana – Santalum album and rock salt.

Doshaja Abhishyanda Chikitsa

सैन्धवं नागरं तार्क्ष्यं भृष्टं मण्डेन सर्पिषः ॥३॥
वातजे घृतभृष्टं वा योज्यं शबरदेशजम् ।
मांसीपद्मककालीययष्ट्याह्वैः पित्तरक्तयोः ॥४॥
मनोह्वाफलिनीक्षौद्रैः कफे सर्वैस्तु सर्वजे ॥४+॥
In Vataja Abhishyanda, rock salt, nāgaraṃ – Zingiber officinale and emerald fried in scum of ghee or śabara deśajam – Symplocos racemosa fried in ghee should be used (for external application). In those caused by Pitta and Rakta māṃsī – (the paste of) Nardostachys jatamansi­, padmaka – Prunus cerasoides­, kālīya – yellow variety of Santalum album and yaṣṭyāhvaiḥ – Glycyrrhiza glabra is used and in that caused by Kapha, (the paste of) realgar, phalinī – Callicarpa macrophylla and honey; in that caused by all the doshas, (paste of) all the herbs mentioned above should be made use of.

सितमरिचभागमेकं चतुर्मनोह्वं द्विरष्टशाबरकम् |
सञ्चूर्ण्य वस्त्रबद्धं प्रकुपितमात्रेऽवगुण्ठनं नेत्रे॥५॥
One part of seeds of maricha- Moringa oliefera, ur parts of realgar and sixteen parts of śābarakam – Symplocos racemosa are powdered nicely, tied in a cloth and worn as a screen before the eyes; in case of immediate aggravation (increase of symptoms) of the eyes.

Aranya Kulattha Avachurnana

आरण्याश्छगणरसे पटावबद्धाः सुस्विन्ना नखवितुषीकृताः कुलत्थाः ।
तच्चूर्णं सकृदवचूर्णनान्निशीथे नेत्राणां विधमति सद्य एव कोपम् ॥ ६ ॥
Wild Variety of Horse-gram – Dolichos biflorus tied in cloth, is boiled well in the juice of cow dung, removed from its husk by the nails (of the hands) and powdered nicely. This powder put into the eyes, only once, immediately cures the aggravation of the symptoms.

Ghoshadi Churna

घोषाभयातुत्थकयष्टिलोध्रैर्मूती सुसूक्ष्मैः श्लथवस्त्रबद्धैः ।
ताम्रस्थधान्याम्लनिमग्नमूर्तिरर्तिं जयत्यक्षिणि नैकरूपाम् ॥ ७ ॥
ghoṣa – Anethum sowa, abhayā – Terminalia chebula, tutthaka – Copper sulphate, yaṣṭi – Glycyrrhiza glabra and lodhrai: – Symplocos racemosa made into smooth powder are tied into a bundle with thin cloth and immersed in dhanyamla (fermented wash of grains), kept in a copper vessel (overnight). The powder of this put into the eyes, cures the different kinds of pain (disease) of the eyes.

Katankateri Kwatha Seka

षोडशभिः सलिलपलैः पलं तथैकं कटङ्कटेर्याः सिद्धम् ।
सेकोऽष्टभागशिष्टः क्षौद्रयुतः सर्वदोषकुपिते नेत्रे ॥८॥
One pala (48 grams) of kaṭaṅkaṭeryāḥ – Berberis aristata is boiled in sixteen pala (768 ml) of water and decoction reduced to one eight.This decoction mixed with honey, used for seka (bathing the eye) is beneficial for the eyes, aggravated by all the doshas.

Shigru Prayoga

वातपित्तकफसन्निपातजां नेत्रयोर्बहुविधामपि व्यथाम् ।
शीघ्रमेव जयति प्रयोजितः शिग्रुपल्लवरसः समाक्षिकः ॥ ९ ॥
Juice of tender leaves of Moringa oliefera mixed with honey, when instilled into the eyes, quickly cures many kinds of pains caused by Vata, Pitta, Kapha (individually) and by the combination.

Eranda Pindika

तरुणमुरुबूकपत्रं मूलं च विभिद्य सिद्धमाजे क्षीरे ।
वाताभिष्यन्दरुजं सद्यो विनिहन्ति सक्तुपिण्डिका चोष्णा ॥ १० ॥
Tender leaves and roots of urubūka -­ Ricinus communis, cut into bits and boiled in goat milk, made into ball, adding the flour of Hordeum vulgare and applied warm over the eyes relieves the pain of Abhishyanda of Vata origin immediately.

Aschyotana and Sechana

आश्च्योतनं मारुतजे क्वाथो बिल्वादिभिर्हितः ।
कोष्णः सहैरण्डजटाबृहतीमधुशिग्रुभिः ॥११॥
ह्रीवेरवक्रशाङ्गेष्टोदुम्बरत्वक्षु साधितम् ।
साम्भसा पयसाजेन शूलाश्च्योतनमुत्तमम् ॥१२॥
मञ्जिष्ठारजनीलाक्षाद्राक्षर्द्धिमधुकोत्पलैः ।
क्वाथः सशर्करः शीतः सेचनं रक्तपित्तजित्॥१३॥
Aschyotana (filling the eyes with fluids) done with the warm decoction of herbs of bilvadi (Pancamula) –
Bilva – Aegle marmelos Agnimantha – Premna mucronate Shyonaka – Oroxylum indicum Patala – Stereospermum Suaveolens Gambhari – Gmelina arborea along with roots of- Ricinus communis, bṛhatī – Solanum indicum, madhuśigrubhiḥ – Moringa oliefera, hrīvera – Pavonia odorata, vakra – (Tagara) – Valeriana wallichii, śāṅgeṣṭa – Abrus precatorius udumbara tvakṣu – and bark of Ficus racemosa; is best in that caused by Vata or decoction mixed with goat milk is best Aschyotana to relieve pain; decoction of mañjiṣṭhā – Rubia cordifolia, rajanī – Curcuma longa, lākṣā – Laccifer lacca, drākṣa – Vitis vinifera, ṛddhi – Habenaria intermedia, madhuka – Glycyrrhiza glabra and utpalaiḥ – Nymphaea alba added with sugar and applied cold in the form of sprinkling cures the symptoms caused by Rakta (blood) and Pitta.

Irrigation of eyes in Rakta and Pittaja syanda

कसेरुयष्ट्याह्वरजस्तान्तवे शिथिलं स्थितम् ।
अप्सु दिव्यासु निहितं हितं स्यन्देऽस्रपित्तजे॥१४॥
Powder of kaseru – Scirpus grossus yaṣṭyāhva – and Glycyrrhiza glabra, tied in a thin cloth is immersed in rain water (or pure water) for sometimes; this water poured into the eyes is beneficial in Abhishyanda born from Rakta and Pitta (increased together).

Pundrikadi yoga

पुण्ड्रयष्टीनिशामूती प्लुता स्तन्ये सशर्करे ।
छागदुग्धेऽथवा दाहरुग्रागाश्रुनिवर्तनी ॥१५॥
puṇḍri – Nelumbo nucifera, yaṣṭī – Glycyrrhiza glabra and niśā – Curcuma longa (powdered well) made into a bundle with cloth and immersed within breast milk added with sugar or goat milk (added with sugar), cures burning sensation, pain, redness and excess of tears.

Eyedrops for Pitta and Rakta conditions

श्वेतलोध्रं समधुकं घृतभृष्टं सुचूर्णितम् ।
वस्त्रस्थं स्तन्यमृदितं पित्तरक्ताभिघातजित्॥१६॥
śvetalodhraṃ – Symplocos racemosa and Glycyrrhiza glabra are fried in ghee, powdered and tied in cloth and immersed in breast-milk, instilled into the eyes it cures the troubles caused by Pitta and Rakta.

Nagaradi Kwatha Aschyotana

नागरत्रिफलानिम्बवासालोध्ररसः कफे ।
कोष्णमाश्च्योतनं मिश्रैर्भेषजैः सान्निपातिके॥१७॥
Decoction of nāgara -­ Zingiber officinale, Triphala – Haritaki – Terminalia chebula, Vibhitaki – Terminalia bellerica, Amalaki – Emblica officinalis, nimba -­ Azadirachta indica, vāsā – Adhatoda vasica and lodhra – Symplocos racemosa poured into the eyes warm is good for Abhishyanda of Kapha origin. In sannipataja Abhishyanda, the decoction of all the herbs mixed together (is beneficial).

Use of ghrita, snehana and virechana in various dosha conditions

सर्पिः पुराणं पवने पित्ते शर्करयाऽन्वितम् ।
व्योषसिद्धं कफे पीत्वा यवक्षारावचूर्णितम् ॥१८॥
स्रावयेद्रुधिरं भूयस्ततः स्निग्धं विरेचयेत् ।
The patient should be made to drink old ghee in Abhishyanda of Vata origin, ghee mixed with sugar in that of Pitta origin, ghee boiled with vyosha -Black pepper – Piper nigrum, Long pepper fruit – Piper longum and Ginger – Zingiber officinale and added with the powder of alkali prepared from Hordeum vulgare in that caused by Kapha; after drinking, next his blood should be let out in large quantity/ or more number of times; then he should be administered oleation (therapy) followed by purgation (therapy).

Management of pain

आनूपवेसवारेण शिरोवदनलेपनम् ॥ १९ ॥
उष्णेन शूले दाहे तु पयःसर्पिर्युतैर्हिमैः ।
In case of pain, the head and face should be coated with thin warm paste of meat of animals of marshy region; and in case of burning sensation applications of milk added with ghee which is cold.

Administering treatment of Timira

तिमिरप्रतिषेधं च वीक्ष्य युञ्ज्याद्यथायथम् ॥ २० ॥
Other treatments should be done appropriately pursuing the details of treatment of Timira.

Adhimantha Chikitsa

अयमेव विधिः सर्वो मन्थादिष्वपि शस्यते ।
अशान्तौ सर्वथा मन्थे भ्रुवोरुपरि दाहयेत् ॥२१॥
The same treatment (mentioned so far) are beneficial in all the varieties of Adhimantha also. If Adhimantha does not subside by these, branding (cauterisation) by fire should be done above the brows.

रूप्यं रूक्षेण गोदध्ना लिम्पेन्नीलत्वमागते ।
शुष्के तु मस्तुना वर्तिर्वाताक्ष्यामयनाशिनी ॥२२॥

When the eyes have become blue, silver, rubbed with dry (fat free) curd which is prepared from cow milk should be smeared. In case of dryness, a wick (swab) soaked in mastu (water of curds) put into the eyes, cures the pain of the eye of Vata origin.

सुमनःकोरकाः शङ्खस्त्रिफला मधुकं बला ।
पित्तरक्तापहा वर्तिः पिष्टा दिव्येन वारिणा ॥२३॥
Buds of Jasminum grandiflorum, śaṅkha: – Convolvulus pluricaulis, Triphala -Haritaki – Terminalia chebula, Vibhitaki – Terminalia bellerica, Amalaki – Emblica officinalis, madhuka- Glycyrrhiza glabra and balā- Sida cordifolia made into a wick (cotton swab) macerated with rain water cures Adhimantha caused by Pitta and Rakta.

Saindhavadi Varti

सैन्धवं त्रिफला व्योषं शङ्खनाभिः समुद्रजः ।
फेन ऐलेयकं सर्जो वर्तिः श्लेष्माक्षिरोगनुत् ॥२४॥
Wick prepared with rock salt, Triphala – Haritaki – Terminalia chebula, Vibhitaki – Terminalia bellerica, Amalaki – Emblica officinalis, Vyosa- Black pepper – Piper nigrum, Long pepper fruit – Piper longum and Ginger – Zingiber officinale, Conch cuttlefish bone, Prunus avium and sarjo – Vateria indica cures the eye disease (Adhimantha) caused by Kapha.

Pashupata Yoga

प्रपौण्डरीकं यष्ट्याह्वं दार्वी चाष्टपलं पचेत् ।
जलद्रोणे रसे पूते पुनः पक्वे घने क्षिपेत् ॥२५॥
पुष्पाञ्जनाद्दशपलं कर्षं च मरिचात्ततः ।
कृतश्चूर्णोऽथवा वर्तिः सर्वाभिष्यन्दसम्भवान्॥२६॥
हन्ति रागरुजाघर्षान् सद्यो दृष्टिं प्रसादयेत् ।
अयं पाशुपतो योगो रहस्यं भिषजां परम् ॥२७॥
Eight pala (384 grams) each of prapauṇḍarīka – Nymphaea lotus, yaṣṭyāhvaṃ – Glycyrrhiza glabra and dārvī – Berberis aristata are boiled in one drona (12.228 litres) of water and decoction reduced to a quarter, filtered and boiled again to a thick consistency, adding ten pala (480 grams) of zinc oxide and one karsa (12 grams) of maricāt – Piper nigrum, used either in the form of powder or a wick (cotton swab) cures redness, friction and pain caused by all types of Abhishyanda, bestows clear vision immediately. This formula known as Pashupata yoga is the utmost secret of the physicians.

Shushkakshipaka Chikitsa

शुष्काक्षिपाके हविषः पानमक्ष्णोश्च तर्पणम् ।
घृतेन जीवनीयेन नस्यं तैलेन वाऽणुना ॥२८॥
परिषेको हितश्चात्र पयः कोष्णं ससैन्धवम् ।
In Shushkakshipaka, drinking of ghee (oleation therapy) and tarpana (eye nourishing therapy) of the eyes with Jivaniya Ghrita (medicated ghee prepared with herb of Jivaniya Gana), instillation of nasal drops using Anu Taila, parisheka (bathing the eye) with warm milk added with rock salt should be done.

Mahaushadadi Anjanam

सर्पिर्युक्तं स्तन्यपिष्टमञ्जनं च महौषधम् ॥२९॥
वसा वाऽऽनूपसत्त्वोत्था किञ्चित्सैन्धवनागरा ।

Nagara -Zingiber officinale macerated with breastmilk and mixed with ghee or the muscle-fat of animals of marshy lands mixed with little of rock salt and nāgarā – Zingiber officinale should be applied as Collyrium.

Sashopha and Alpa Shopha Chikitsa

घृताक्तान् दर्पणे घृष्टान् केशान् मल्लकसम्पुटे ॥३०॥
दग्ध्वाऽऽज्यपिष्टा लोहस्था सा मषी श्रेष्ठमञ्जनम् ।
Hair (of man) rubbed over mirror smeared with ghee, should be burnt; keeping them inside two earthen saucers (which are sealed with mud and placed inside a heap of cow dung and set on fire), the ash taken out, macerated with ghee and put in an iron vessel. This ash forms the best Collyrium.

सशोफे वाऽल्पशोफे च स्निग्धस्य व्यधयेत्सिराम्॥३१॥
रेकः स्निग्धे पुनर्द्राक्षापथ्याक्वाथत्रिवृद्घृतैः ।
Both the Sashopha and Alpa shopha, the patient should be given oleation therapy and then venesection done, he should be made lubricated again and administered purgation therapy making use of medicated ghee prepared with decoction of drākṣā – Vitis vinifera, pathyā – Terminalia chebula and trivṛt – Operculina turpethum.

Lodhra Seka

श्वेतलोध्रं घृते भृष्टं चूर्णितं तान्तवस्थितम् ॥ ३२ ॥
उष्णाम्बुना विमृदितं सेकः शूलहरः परम् ।
śvetalodhraṃ – Symplocos racemosa fried in ghee, is powdered, kept in a cloth bag, and immersed in hot water, this water poured into the eye is best to relieve pain.

Sashopha and Alpa Shopha Chikitsa

दार्वीप्रपौण्डरीकस्य क्वाथो वाऽऽश्च्योतने हितः ॥ ३३ ॥
The decoction of dārvī – Berberis aristata and prapauṇḍarīkasya – Nymphaea lotus is good for use as Aschyotana (filling into the eye).

Saindhava anjana

सन्धावांश्च प्रयुञ्जीत घर्षरागाश्रुरुग्घरान् ॥ ३३ ॥
Rock salt (a kind of eye salves described further) which relieve friction or redness, flows of tears and pain should be made use of.

Use of Tamra

ताम्रं लोहे मूत्रघृष्टं प्रयुक्तं नेत्रे सर्पिर्धूपितं वेदनाघ्नम् ।
ताम्रे घृष्टो गव्यदध्नः सरो वा युक्तः कृष्णासैन्धवाभ्यांवरिष्ठः ॥ ३४ ॥
Copper is macerated on iron (plate) using cow urine (a copper tumbler is rubbed on a flat iron pan using cow urine as medium and the resulting paste collected); applied as collyrium into the eye which has been exposed to the fumes of ghee; it kills pain. Dadhisara (solid of curds) prepared from cow milk rubbed on copper and applied to the eye mixed with little quantity of kṛṣṇā – Piper nigrum and rock salt is best to relieve pain of the eye.

Use of Sandhava Anjana

शङ्खं ताम्रे स्तन्यघृष्टं घृताक्तैः शम्याः पत्रैर्धूपितं तद्यवैश्च ।
नेत्रे युक्तं हन्ति सन्धावसंज्ञं क्षिप्रं घर्षं वेदनां चातितीव्राम् ॥ ३५ ॥
Conch is rubbed on copper in the medium of breast-milk, the resulting paste if exposed to the fumes of leaves of Prosopis cineraria and Hordeum vulgare smeared with ghee. If applied to the eyes, this collyrium known as Sandhava, quickly cures friction and severe pain

Use of Udumbara

उदुम्बरफलं लोहे घृष्टं स्तन्येन धूपितम् ॥ ३६ ॥
साज्यैः शमीच्छदैर्दाहशूलरागाश्रुहर्षजित् ।
udumbaraphalaṃ – Fruits of Ficus racemosa, macerated with iron and breast-milk and exposed to the fumes of śamīcchadai: – leaves of Prosopis cineraria, smeared with ghee (applied to the eyes) cures burning sensation, pain, redness, flow of tears and tingling.

Use of Shigru

शिग्रुपल्लवनिर्यासः सुघृष्टस्ताम्रसम्पुटे ॥ ३७ ॥
घृतेन धूपितो हन्ति शोफघर्षाश्रुवेदनाः ।
Fresh juice of tender leaves of Moringa oliefera, rubbed on a copper casket (box) and exposed to the fumes of ghee (and applied to the eyes) cures swelling, friction, flow of tears and pain.

Mrit Kapaladyanjanam

तिलाम्भसा मृत्कपालं कांस्ये घृष्टं सुधूपितम् ॥ ३८ ॥
निम्बपत्रैर्घृताभ्यक्तैर्घर्षशूलाश्रुरागजित् ।
Potsherd rubbed on bell metal with the water in which
tila (sesame seeds) – Sesamum indicum are soaked and that paste exposed to the fumes of leaves of Azadirachta indica smeared with ghee, (when applied as eye-salve) cures friction, pain, excess flow of tears and redness.

Stanya Aschyotana

सन्धावेनाञ्जिते नेत्रे विगतौषधवेदने ॥ ३९ ॥
स्तन्येनाश्च्योतनं कार्यं त्रिः परं नाञ्जयेच्च तैः ।
Eyes which have been treated with Sandhava Kind of eye-salves and which have become free from pain should be given Aschyotana with breastmilk, filling three times. These Sandhaananjana) should not be applied more than three times.


तालीशपत्रचपलानतलोहरजोऽञ्जनैः ॥ ४० ॥
जातीमुकुलकासीससैन्धवैर्मूत्रपेषितैः ।
ताम्रमालिप्य सप्ताहं धारयेत्पेषयेत्ततः ॥ ४१ ॥
मूत्रेणैवानु गुटिकाः कार्याश्छायाविशोषिताः ।
ताः स्तन्यघृष्टा घर्षाश्रुशोफकण्डूविनाशनाः ॥ ४२ ॥
tālīśapatra – Abies webbiana, capalā – ­bismuth, nata -­ Valeriana wallicii, loharajo – filings of iron, antimony sulphide, buds of Jasminum grandiflorum, kāsīsa – ferrous sulphate and rock salt are macerated with cow urine and pasted on a copper vessel and allowed to stay for seven days. Later it is taken out, macerated with cow urine again, rolled into pills and dried in shade made into a paste with breast milk (and applied to the eyes) it cures friction, excess of tears, śopha – swelling kaṇḍū – and itching.

Vyaghritvagadi Dhuma

व्याघ्रीत्वङ्मधुकं ताम्ररजोऽजाक्षीरकल्कितम् ।
शम्यामलकपत्राज्यधूपितं शोफरुक्प्रणुत् ॥ ४३ ॥
vyāghrītvak – Bark of Solanum xanthocarpum, madhukaṃ – Glycyrrhiza glabra and copper filings made into a paste with goat milk and exposed to the fumes of leaves of śamī – Prosopis cineraria and āmalaka – Emblica officinalis, smeared with ghee (and used as eye-salve) cures swelling and pain.

Amloshita Chikitsa

अम्लोषिते प्रयुञ्जीत पित्ताभिष्यन्दसाधनम् ।
In Amloshita, the same treatments should be administered, as were prescribed for Abhishyanda caused by Pitta.

Pilla Roga

उत्क्लिष्टाः कफपित्तास्रनिचयोत्थाः कुकूणकः ॥ ४४ ॥
पक्ष्मोपरोधं शुष्काक्षिपाकः पूयालसो बिसः ।
पोथक्यम्लोषितोऽल्पाख्यः स्यन्दमन्था विनाऽनिलात् ॥ ४५ ॥
एतेऽष्टादश पिल्लाख्या दीर्घकालानुबन्धिनः ।
Utklista caused by Kapha, Pitta, Asra and Nichaya (sannipata), Kukunaka, Pakshmoarodha, Shushkaakshipaka, Puyalasa, Bisa Vartma, Pothaki, Amloshita, Alpakhya (Alpasopha), Syanda (Abhishyanda), Mantha (Adhimantha), except that caused by Vata these eighteen diseases are designated as pilla roga and these persist for a long time.

Pilla Roga Chikitsa

चिकित्सा पृथगेतेषां स्वं स्वमुक्ताथ वक्ष्यते ॥ ४६ ॥
पिल्लीभूतेषु सामान्यादथ पिल्लाख्यरोगिणः ।
स्निग्धस्य छर्दितवतः सिराव्यधहृतासृजः ॥ ४७ ॥
विरिक्तस्य च वर्त्मानु निर्लिखेदाविशुद्धितः ।
The treatment for each of these has been described earlier. Now, the general treatment for all the pilla rogas will be described herein. The patient of Pilla roga who has been lubricated, vomited, blood removed by cutting the vein, and one who has been purged should be subjected to scarification of the eyelid till it becomes well unified (cleared of all exudation etc.).

Pilla Roga: Tutthakadi Seka, Upadeha

तुत्थकस्य पलं श्वेतमरिचानि च विंशतिः ॥ ४८ ॥
त्रिंशता काञ्जिकपलैः पिष्ट्वा ताम्रे निधापयेत् ।
पिल्लानपिल्लान् कुरुते बहुवर्षोत्थितानपि ॥ ४९ ॥
तत्सेकेनोपदेहाश्रुकण्डूशोफांश्च नाशयेत् ।
Purified copper sulphate one pala (48 grams), seeds of Moringa oliefera twenty by number are made into a paste with thirty pala (1.44 litres) of sour gruel, and is kept in a copper vessel. This liquid used for seka (bathing the eye) makes Pillaroga to become non-pilla, though remaining for many years, it cures coating, excess of tears, itching and swelling.

Pilla Roga: Karanja Beejadi Yoga

करञ्जबीजं सुरसं सुमनःकोरकाणि च ॥ ५० ॥
सङ्क्षुद्य साधयेत्क्वाथे पूते तत्र रसक्रिया ।
अञ्जनं पिल्लभैषज्यं पक्ष्मणां च प्ररोहणम् ॥ ५१ ॥
karañjabījaṃ – Seeds of Pongamia pinnata, surasaṃ – Ocimum sanctum and sumanaḥ korakāṇi ca – buds of
Jasminum grandiflorum is crushed and boiled in water, filtered and Rasakriya (thick decoction) is prepared and is used as collyrium. It is medicine for Pilla and helps the growth of eyelashes.


रसाञ्जनं सर्जरसो रीतिपुष्पं मनःशिला ।
समुद्रफेनो लवणं गैरिकं मरिचानि च ॥ ५२ ॥
अञ्जनं मधुना पिष्टं क्लेदकण्डूघ्नमुत्तमम् ।
Extract of Berberis aristata, sarjaraso – resin of Vateria indica, brass filings, arsenic di sulphide, cuttlefish bone, rock salt, red ochre, maricāni – and Piper nigrum are made into a paste and applied to eyes as collyrium mixed with honey is best in curing moistness and itching.

Use of Tagara and Devadaru in Pilla

अभयारसपिष्टं वा तगरं पिल्लनाशनम् ॥ ५३ ॥
भावितं बस्तमूत्रेण सस्नेहं देवदारु च ।
tagaraṃ – Valeriana ­wallichi made into a paste with the decoction of abhayā – Terminalia chebula destroys Pilla, devadāru – so also Cedrus deodara made as a paste with goat urine and mixed with fat (ghee).

Saindavadi Varti for Pilla and Shukraka

सैन्धवत्रिफलाकृष्णाकटुकाशङ्खनाभयः ॥ ५४ ॥
सताम्ररजसो वर्तिः पिल्लशुक्रकनाशिनी ।
Medicinal wick (pill) prepared from rock salt, Triphala -Haritaki – Terminalia chebula, Vibhitaki – Terminalia bellerica, Amalaki – Emblica officinalis, kṛṣṇā – Piper nigrum, kaṭukā – Picrorhiza kurroa, Sankhanabhi (conch) and copper filings used as Collyrium destroys Pilla and Shukraka (disease of the cornea).

Pushpa Kasisadyanjanam

पुष्पकासीसचूर्णो वा सुरसारसभावितः ॥ ५५ ॥
ताम्रे दशाहं तत्पैल्ल्यपक्ष्मशातजिदञ्जनम् ॥
Powder of iron sulphate soaked in the fresh juice of surasā – Ocimum sanctum and pasted on a copper plate for ten days, used as a collyrium, cures Pilla and Pakshma shatha.


अलं च सौवीरकमञ्जनं च ताभ्यां समं ताम्ररजः सुसूक्ष्मम् ।
पिल्लेषु रोमाणि निषेवितोऽसौ चूर्णः करोत्येकशलाकया ऽपि ॥ ५६ ॥
alaṃ – Arsenic trisulphidum and antimony sulphide each one part, copper filings equal to both are mixed and converted into very nice powder; this applied to the eyes makes for growth of hairs (eyelashes) in PIlla roga by one shalaka (collyrium rod) application itself.

Laxadi Varti

लाक्षानिर्गुण्डीभृङ्गदार्वीरसेन श्रेष्ठं कार्पासं भावितं सप्तकृत्वः ।
दीपः प्रज्वाल्यः सर्पिषा तत्समुत्था श्रेष्ठा पिल्लानां रोपणार्थे मषी सा ॥ ५७ ॥
Good cotton is soaked in the juices of lākṣā – Laccifer lacca, nirguṇḍī – Vitex negundo, bhṛṅga – Eclipta alba and dārvī – Berberis aristata for seven times and made into wick; that wick is soaked in ghee, lighted (as a burning lamp) and the soot emanating from it is collected. This, if applied as a collyrium is best to heal Pilla rogas.

Lekhana treatment in Pilla roga

वर्त्मावलेखं बहुशस्तद्वच्छोणितमोक्षणम् ॥ ५८अब् ॥
पुनः पुनर्विरेकं च नित्यमाश्च्योतनाञ्जनम् ।
नावनं धूमपानं च पिल्लरोगातुरो भजेत् ॥ ५९ ॥
The patient of Pilla roga should undergo scraping of the eyelids; similarly bloodletting many times, purgation therapy again and again, bathing the eye, application of eye salve, nasal medication and inhalation of medicinal fumes daily.

Dahakarma in Puyalasa

पूयालसे त्वशान्तेऽन्ते दाहः सूक्ष्मशलाकया ।
If Puyalasa- does not subside, it should be burnt (cauterized) with a thin metal rod (made red hot).

Enumeration of eye diseases

चतुर्णवतिरित्यक्ष्णो हेतुलक्षणसाधनैः ॥ ६० ॥
परस्परमसङ्कीर्णाः कार्त्स्न्येन गदिता गदाः ।
Thus, were described, ninety-four diseases of the eyes along with their causes, characteristic features and treatment, not mixed together, each one separately and in detail.

Grains, foods and activities beneficial for the eyes

सर्वदा च निषेवेत स्वस्थोऽपि नयनप्रियः ॥ ६१ ॥
पुराणयवगोधूमशालिषष्टिककोद्रवान् ।
मुद्गादीन् कफपित्तघ्नान् भूरिसर्पिःपरिप्लुतान् ॥६२॥
शाकं चैवं विधं मांसं जाङ्गलं दाडिमं सिताम् ।
सैन्धवं त्रिफलां द्राक्षां वारि पाने च नाभसम् ॥ ६३ ॥
आतपत्रं पदत्राणं विधिवद्दोषशोधनम् ।
वर्जयेद्वेगसंरोधमजीर्णाध्यशनानि च ॥ ६४ ॥
क्रोधशोकदिवास्वप्नरात्रिजागरणातपान् ।
विदाहि विष्टम्भकरं यच्चेहाहारभेषजम् ॥ ६५ ॥
Persons who are fond of their eyes, though healthy should always adhere to the following; grains such as old Hordeum vulgare, godhūma – Triticum aestivum, śāli – Oryza sativa, ṣaṣṭika – a variety of rice which grows in sixty days, kodravān – Paspalum scrobiculatum, mudgādīn – Vigna radiata etc. which are old and which mitigate Kapha and Pitta, mixed with more of ghee; vegetables and meat of animals of desert like lands, having similar properties; dāḍimaṃ – Punica granatum, sugar, rock salt, Triphala-Haritaki – Terminalia chebula, Vibhitaki – Terminalia bellerica, Amalaki – Emblica officinalis, drākṣāṃ – Vitis vinifera and rain water for drinking; the use of umbrella, foot-wear and resorting to therapies to eliminate the doshas in the proper ways. He should avoid suppression of the urges, indigestion, overeating, anger, grief, sleeping during daytime, keeping awake at night, exposure to sunlight, foods and medicines which cause heart-burn and constipation.

Relationship between feet and vision

द्वे पादमध्ये पृथुसन्निवेशे सिरे गते ते बहुधा च नेत्रे ।
ता म्रक्षणोद्वर्तनलेपनादीन् पादप्रयुक्तान्नयने नयन्ति ॥ ६६ ॥
In the centre of the two feet (soles) are situated two siras (veins etc.) together which are greatly connected to the eyes. These transmit the (effect of the) medicines applied over the feet in the form of massage, external application etc. to the eyes and hence should be protected.

Relationship between feet and vision

मलौष्ण्यसङ्घट्टनपीडनाद्यैस्ता दूषयन्ते नयनानि दुष्टाः ।
भजेत्सदा दृष्टिहितानि तस्मादुपानदभ्यञ्जनधावनानि ॥ ६७ ॥
These (veins etc. of the feet) vitiated by the accumulation of the mala (dirt), heat, assault (by weapons, stone and other hard substances) bring about abnormalities of the eyes. Hence, every person should always make use of the foot-wear, massaging (the feet) with oil and washing them well is good for the eyes.

इति श्री वैद्यपति सिंहगुप्तसूनु श्रीमद्वाग्भटविरचितायामष्टाङ्गहृदयसंहितायां षष्ठे उत्तरस्थाने सर्वाक्षिरोगप्रतिषेधो नाम षोडशोऽध्याय: ॥ १६ ॥
Thus, ends the chapter-Sarvakshiroga Pratishedha- the sixteenth in Uttarasthana of Astanga Hridaya Samhita composed by Srimad Vagbhata, son of Sri Vaidyapati Simhagupta.

Original Source