Article by Dr Raghuram Y.S. MD (Ay) & Dr Manasa S, B.A.M.S
Prakrta Ajirna is one among the six types of Ajirna – indigestion of food – explained in Ayurveda.
– Prakrta = natural, normal
– Ajirna = indigestion
So, Prakrta Ajirna is a state of indigestion, but it is also said to be natural and normal, in spite of occurring every day. This keeps us puzzled. How can any ajirna which occurs daily be normal, natural or healthy? Isn’t it a state of disease?
Since it occurs every day, it can also be called as Prativasara Ajirna, though prativasara – occurring every day is a sign of Prakrta Ajirna.
Seeing from the perspective of Prativasara Ajirna –
– Prativasara = every day
– Ajirna = Indigestion of food
Prakrta Ajirna is a type of indigestion which is there every day. This looks a little weird. If Ajirna is a disease or root cause of many diseases, then having Ajirna every day sums up to having Ajirna throughout the life. Then the person is diseased throughout the life or prone to many diseases throughout the life. And the tricky part is that this ajirna, in spite of happening every day, is considered as normal or natural. Is this even possible? Do such persons exist?
Let us try to find out what this Prakrta Ajirna is.
Prakrta Ajirna
In Madhava Nidana treatise, while explaining the types of Ajirna, the author after explaining the four types of Ajirna according to Acharya Sushruta (Ama, Vidagdha, Vistabdha and Rasasesha Ajirna), also mentions the fifth and sixth variants according to opinion of other authors / experts. The fifth type is called Dinapaki Ajirna – wherein the digestion is delayed by one day and hence is a type of indigestion. The sixth type is Prakrta Ajirna – the indigestion which takes place every day.
Ref – Madhava Nidana Chapter 6 – Agnimandhyadi Nidanam, verse 6 (MN.6/6)
Definition of Prakrta Ajirna
Some experts / authors consider Prakrta Ajirna as the sixth type of Ajirna. This kind of Ajirna happens every day and is normal and natural.
How and why?
Why is it important to understand Prakrta Ajirna?
Prakrta Ajirna, as its name suggests, is present every day, in every single person. By name, it is also a ‘normal and natural type’ of indigestion. It does not even produce any signs of indigestion or complications of indigestion.
Now let us understand this.
The clarification has been given in the Madhukosha commentary of Madhava Nidana.
प्राकृतं प्रतिवासरमिति प्राकृतमवैकारिकं, प्रतिवासरम् प्रतिदिनम् क्रेयमाणम्।
अयमभिसन्धिः – अध्यैव भुक्तमन्नं किं जीर्णमजीर्णं वा?
न तावज्जीर्ण क्षुत्पिपासा मलोत्सर्गादेर्जीर्णलक्षणस्यानुदयात्, तस्मादजीर्णं, तत् च आध्मानादिकं न करोति इति पूर्वेभ्यो भिन्नम्।
तस्य च अभिधान प्रयोजनं – पाकार्थं वामपार्श्वशयनादि आचारसेवा।
न च अत्र आहार निषेधः, तस्य शास्त्रेण विहितत्वात्॥मधुकोश, मा.नि.६/६॥
Let us consider that we have eaten food / breakfast at 9am. Immediately after consuming food, is it in a state of digested food or undigested food? Obviously, it is in the form of undigested food, isn’t it? We have just supplied food to the stomach. Now the food will stay in the stomach for a while and gradually get digested. The time of digestion of food may vary from person to person, but it will get digested on an average within 3 hours, if the stomach is healthy and if the quantity is taken in moderation, as per one’s capacity and needs. So, let us say that the food taken at 9am almost gets digested by 12 noon. By 12 noon, the person has signs of proper digestion and is also feeling hungry and his stomach is ready for another meal, indicating that the previously taken food has been digested properly. In this gap, i.e. between 9 am and 12 noon, the food is in different stages of digestion but it is still in a state of undigested food. This is quite natural and normal in all of us isn’t it?
Such type of temporary state of indigestion which happens every day, every time we take a meal, extending from the moment / time of intake of food to moment / time of complete digestion of that meal, leading to signs of proper digestion and causing hunger and interest in the next meal, is called Prakrta Ajirna.
So Prakrta Ajirna is a state of Ajirna which occurs every day, after every meal. It normally and naturally occurs immediately after taking food and persists until that meal has been digested. This indigestion is self-limiting and goes away once the food consumed in that meal-time has been digested.
This state of indigestion and its time period differs from person to person and amongst persons of different prakritis.
Intention of explaining Prakrta Ajirna
The main intention with which this Prakrta Ajirna has been explained is to indicate that –
– One needs to know that there is a certain time period in which the digestion of food is taking place and that stage is a natural and normal stage of indigestion, which everyone experiences and also on daily basis. There is no need to worry about that.
– Prakrta also means Avaikarika – that means that this kind of indigestion does not produce any uncomfortable signs and symptoms nor trouble the body, nor cause any diseases or complications.
– The food shall be considered as undigested food until signs of proper digestion like manifestation of hunger and thirst, timely excretion of faeces and urine, lightness of the body and belly etc appear. These signs will appear once the food has been digested.
– This kind of ajirna will not produce uncomfortable symptoms or complications like adhmana etc – and hence differs from the other forms of ajirna.
– It is also to suggest that one should follow the ‘post dining measures’ indicated by Acharya Sushruta like – walking for one hundred steps immediately after taking food, sleeping on left lateral side etc. seriously and help the gut to digest the food.
Does Prakrita Ajirna need any preventive measures or treatments to be followed?
No. If the time gap between consumption and digestion of one or every meal extends beyond its natural and normal behaviour, against one’s prakriti and continues to be so, and produces symptoms of indigestion over a period of time, it needs to be addressed, unless that is quite normal. Maintaining discipline with respect to the quality, quantity and timing of food, and following the food etiquettes religiously is the key to maintain gut health and to keep the Prakrta Ajirna intact.
Can Prakrta Ajirna get serious and disturb the health?
As a rule no, especially so, in healthy individuals who have healthy eating habits. It is prakrta – normal and natural, which also means avaikarika i.e. that indigestion which does not cause any troublesome symptoms or complications.
How is Prakrta Ajirna different from other forms of Ajirna?
Prakrta Ajirna differs from other forms of Ajirna due to its cardinal features described already –
– It is normal and natural
– It occurs every day, in everyone
– It is harmless, does not cause any symptoms or complications like adhmana – distension of abdomen etc
– It needs no preventive measures or treatment, its state needs to be maintained
– It is self-limiting condition, goes away immediately after digestion of food