/10 Ways to Embrace a Parisian Approach to Wellness

10 Ways to Embrace a Parisian Approach to Wellness

10 Ways to Embrace a Parisian Approach to Wellness

While spending six months in Paris, I saw firsthand how the French effortlessly weave wellness into their daily lives. Coming from North America, where less time is dedicated to slowing down, I appreciated the Parisians’ mindful blend of elegance and simplicity that turned everyday routines into joyful experiences. Inspired by my time in the City of Light, here are some of the biggest lessons I learned about the French approach to wellness.


Eat like a Parisian

Cheese, crackers, and other healthy food

Eating in France is a true pleasure, with thoughtfully portioned dishes featuring high-quality ingredients like full-fat cheese, fresh bread, and tender meat. Meals often end with coffee or wine and dessert, showcasing Parisians’ appreciation for balance and moderation. More than just a flavorful experience, food in France is about bringing people together and sparking lively conversations, offering a sense of connection beyond the plate.

Embrace it: Savor your next social meal and leave feeling truly satisfied by eating more slowly. This not only supports your digestive system, but also elevates the pleasure of the dining experience.


Take a laissez-faire approach to aging

Young woman and older woman talking

The French view aging as a natural process, where wrinkles and grey hairs are signs of experience, not flaws. They focus on comfort in their skin and adapting to change rather than chasing youth. I observed they continue being active, nurturing relationships, and investing in their appearance. With a deep appreciation for the beauty around them—in nature, art, and architecture—it makes sense that they extend this appreciation to their own evolving beauty.

Embrace it: Adopt a positive attitude toward aging. A study of 14,000 older adults found that those who viewed aging optimistically tended to enjoy longer, healthier lives compared to those with negative perspectives on getting older.


Practice saying no

Two people chatting at a table

In a world where busyness is often mistaken for productivity, the French excel at setting boundaries by confidently saying, “Non, merci.” Although it may seem abrupt, this approach is a powerful way to protect your time and focus on what truly matters. The secret to saying no more often is to practice—and, before long, you’ll be a master at préserver votre temps.

Embrace it: Set aside five to 15 minutes during each workday for some quality “me time.” Whether it’s meditating, reading, or squeezing in a quick workout at your desk, this small investment in yourself can lead to lower stress and a boost in energy.


Take self-care beyond face masks

Croissant on a table with a magazine

Self-care for Parisians means embracing authenticity and simplicity. I noticed they avoid chasing fads and perfect routines. They focus on what brings true joy, like enjoying a buttery croissant after work. They embrace their unique features rather than following every beauty trend and opt for fashion that suits their personal style. They also consider their friendships a form of self-care, indulging only in genuine connections that enrich their lives and enhance their well-being.

Embrace it: Assess what truly brings you joy. Self-care can take many forms, from committing to a daily 30-minute walk to sipping a delicious drink to taking your vitamins.


Live slowly

Aesthetic coffee shop

In North America, it’s common to rush through life, stressed by schedules and missing simple joys. In Paris, locals take time to slow down and be present, enjoying mornings in cafés with pastries and newspapers, and indulging in long, leisurely lunches. Slow living taught me to live intentionally, leading to greater fulfillment and clarity. I still take inspiration from savoir-vivre by starting my day with a warm beverage, free from distractions, and savoring each sip.

Embrace it: Dedicate at least 15 to 20 minutes each day to unplugging from the fast-paced digital world. This mental break can spark creativity and even improve your problem-solving abilities.


View movement as a lifestyle

A couple riding bikes in a city

The French stay fit by integrating movement into their daily lives. Walking, running, and biking through the city’s scenic streets are routine. To embrace a Parisian lifestyle, find simple ways to add movement, like taking the stairs or walking to meet a friend. While you might not have the Eiffel Tower as your backdrop, choose an activity you enjoy that fits into your schedule.

Embrace it: Go outside! Exercise is beneficial on its own, but it becomes even more rewarding when you take it outdoors. Just five minutes of movement in nature can significantly boost your self-esteem.


Eat seasonally

A woman shopping at a farmer market

Parisian cuisine was among the best I’ve had. The French prioritize fresh, in-season produce from small markets, buying only what’s needed for each meal, reducing waste and enhancing flavor. One of my favorite routines was visiting the Bastille farmers’ market for fresh produce, homemade butter, and free-range eggs.

Embrace it: Start by finding out which fruits and vegetables are in season locally. Opting for seasonal produce not only helps you save money, but also supports the environment.


Cultivate connections

Two women drinking juice and talking

Terraces in every arrondissement are alive all day—I started to wonder if Parisians ever work (they do!). But what struck me most was how often people gather with friends, deeply engaged in conversation with phones set aside. The vibrant energy rubbed off on me, and I found myself at a terrace daily at 5 pm, chatting with friends and enjoying the occasional eclair.

Embrace it: Schedule weekly or monthly get-togethers with close friends. Fostering strong connections wards off loneliness and can even help extend your lifespan—giving you more time to enjoy delicious eclairs!


Make well-being fashionable

Clothing hanging on a rack in a show

In France, health and wellness extend beyond diet and exercise to include personal style, a crucial but often overlooked aspect of feeling your best. The French prioritize quality over quantity, opting for timeless, locally made pieces. They embrace playful fashion that reflects individuality. Cultivating personal style and being intentional with your wardrobe not only boosts confidence, but also promotes simplicity and surely enhances joie de vivre.

Embrace it: Create a capsule wardrobe and focus on quality rather than quantity. Whenever possible, choose eco-friendly fabrics like organic linen and sustainably grown bamboo.


Prioritize work-life balance

The city streets of Paris

If you’ve been to Paris in August, you know it’s when Parisians escape the city and head on vacations. Their approach to travel isn’t limited to summertime: Parisians prioritize work-life balance year-round. In the US, meanwhile, 46 percent of workers don’t use all their vacation time. Even if Italy isn’t in your plans, making time for yourself and breaking away from your routine is crucial—even a staycation can do the trick!

Embrace it: Work to live; don’t live to work. Finding balance can foster a more optimistic outlook on life (even if your version of balance doesn’t include a month-long escape to Italy!).

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