/Health Highlights: Feb. 24, 2023​

Health Highlights: Feb. 24, 2023​

By Ernie Mundell HealthDay Reporter>

Aidan’s tough journey: Breathing easier with a rewired heart. Doctors have given a toddler a new lease on life after he was born with a series of complex, life-threatening birth defects. Read more

Scientists grow electrodes in living tissue. The research, which blurs the lines between biology and technology, could someday lead to breakthroughs in medicine, the Swedish team said. Read more

Men working heavy labor jobs get a fertility boost. In a new study, guys with physically demanding jobs had more sperm and higher levels of the male hormone testosterone. Read more

Too little dietary salt could spell trouble for heart failure patients. While cutting out salt is still beneficial for heart patients, just how much to cut out is up for debate, a new study finds. Read more

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