/Health Highlights: Feb. 16, 2023​

Health Highlights: Feb. 16, 2023​

By Ernie Mundell HealthDay Reporter>

‘The Last of Us’: How likely is a fungal apocalypse? The TV show’s outcome is very improbable, experts say, but it does highlight changes that make fungal infections a greater threat to human health in the real world. Read more

Do all older patients need radiation treatment after breast cancer surgery? Women over 65 who are diagnosed with early-stage breast cancer may be able to skip radiation, researchers say. Read more

Smoking or vaping? The DNA damage may be the same. If you think vaping is safer than smoking, a new study suggests you’re wrong. Read more

FDA panel says yes to over-the-counter Narcan. The overdose-reversing drug should be made more easily available to aid the national response to the opioid crisis, the experts said. Read more

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