/Health Highlights: Feb. 23, 2023​

Health Highlights: Feb. 23, 2023​

By Ernie Mundell HealthDay Reporter>

Could heavy laxative usage raise the odds for dementia? Using more than one type of laxative or using osmotic laxatives, which draw water into your stool, raised the risk even more, a new study found. Read more

Almost two-thirds of U.S doctors feel burnt out at work: poll. Doctors say they’re rethinking their decision to enter medicine, citing understaffing, paperwork and insurance hassles as major reasons why. Read more

Heart attack rates dropped for Americans over past two decades. At the same time, the racial gap in heart deaths was halved, with significant improvements seen among Black Americans, new data shows. Read more

Exercise just once a month could help your brain decades later. New research shows that in terms of benefits for mental functioning, a little physical activity goes a long way. Read more

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